Employee Care

Employee Activities

Because employees are highly valuable resources in the company's business activities, employees have tremendous influence on the company's overall business success, the ways the company treats and retains employees in work such as company welfare and benefits, employee knowledge and skill development and promotion with a safe working environment for employees are very important as well in order to ensure business continuity and sustainability.

The employee management and activity information in this report covers every business group of TPCS (Public) Company Limited.

Employee Care

TPCS recognizes the importance of employees and considers them to be valuable resources contributing to TPCS's success. Therefore, the company strives to support and promote employees with knowledge in the work they do along with unity, teamwork, positive thinking, positive actions, and optimism, so every employee can successfully and professionally combine their different knowledge, experiences and work skills to strengthen the organization and raise awareness about corporate social and environmental responsibility to ensure sustainable growth and development of the organization in line with TPCS's values.

Practice Guidelines on Treating Employee Stakeholders in Line with the Company's Corporate Ethics

• Human dignity and fundamental rights of employees are respected at work. Employee data or confidential information is not disclosed or transmitted to third parties or unrelated persons.
• Employees are treated in accordance with the provisions of law, regulations and articles governing the Company’s operations.
• Employment equality is promoted. There is no discrimination on the grounds of gender, skin color, race, religion, age, disability or other status that is not directly related to the works.
• Training and knowledge exchange are sponsored and promoted to encourage learning and skill development throughout, strengthen career security and offer opportunities for advancements pursuant to each person’s potential.
• Employee participation in the determination of the Company’s direction and development are promoted.
• Fair compensation is given as suitable for the knowledge, skill, duties, responsibilities and performance.
• Appropriate welfare and benefits are given to employees, e.g. medical expenses, provident fund and a savings cooperative.
• Channels are provided for employees to communicate suggestions and complaints pertaining to work. These suggestions are considered and remedies will be determined in the interest of all parties and in view of the creation of good working relations.
• Facilities necessary for work operations are provided and working conditions are maintained with due regard to safety and occupational hygiene as a means of promoting and raising the quality of lives of employees.
• Employees of all levels are encouraged to participate in social responsibility activities.

Welfare and Benefits

The company considers the quality of life of employees on every level in order to ensure that employees fairly receive appropriate welfare and benefits in addition to promotion of work morale. Apart from the benefits prescribed by the law, the company also provides other welfare and benefits to employees such as a provident fund, financial aid, savings cooperatives in the Sahapat Group, per diem and travel expenses, and accommodation arrangements and expenses for provincial work. In addition, the company has established workplace welfare committees at the Bangkok office and every factory in the Sriracha work area. These welfare committees participate in the company's activities such as company founding anniversaries and New Year parties.

The company offers opportunities for the company's executives and representative employees to consult one another and exchange ideas about work, employee quality of life improvement and proposals about work environment improvements such as parking space allocations, roof covering for the path connecting to the cafeteria, etc.

Moreover, the company gives importance to retiring employees by providing knowledge and preparing them in different ways such as information about post-retirement financial management, social security benefits and post-retirement life in order to provide information and knowledge to employees for aptly transitioning to the retired life, so they can live contentedly after retiring from the company.